As a world renowned international photographer and health scientist, Andrew extensively researched the power of the sun, testing sunlight, comparing its effects in various parts of the globe where he photographed. He found that the sun rays and its spectrums in certain areas to be the most extraordinary in the world! As a researcher and explorer of the earth's sunlight, along with its biophotons emitted through light captured in certain parts of the world, Andrew discovered something very rare and unique, and that is: UnEarthed Energy   to be furthered accelerated, and energized by the power of the sun to higher levels when positioned in certain coordinates, correlated to the earths equator and Prime Meridian
In ascertaining elements of the earth — Andrew vastly studied stones and crystals understanding their energies, properties and power. "Stones & crystals have an ability to be charged and recharged, at higher levels, from a positioned coordinate source in proximity to the earth's equator, receiving thousands of selective biophotons from the sun, as well as from the moon. The admittance of their electromagnetic spectrum of waves and biophotons deliver something magnificent in terms of charging capability from a specific coordinate."  — Andrew
Knowing something powerful had been unlocked, UnEarthed Energy   stones and crystals was created. Andrew, his wife Kimberly, and three daughters, Paris, McKayla and Chloë all participate in the business — All, serving as scholared stone and crystal energy experts, in energy healing and design artists in custom bracelet and unearth-real stone wrappings, with every piece sealed with energy cleansing before shipped. UnEarthed Energy   stones and crystals are charged from specially sourced, selected positions of the sun, enhancing greatly the power, properties and healing energy of the stones and crystals.

about unearthed energy


As our bodies are created from the elements of the earth — hence, we are energy UNEARTHED, and that energy can be refueled and regenerated by the earth, and its Solar system!




the founders

Andrew, is a leadership expert and author who serves on the John C. Maxwell Team! He also sits as an influencer in the political arena standing for civil liberties and constitutional rights of America. His portfolio also consists of being world renowned international photographer, health scientist and researcher, particularly studying the power of the sun and the thousands of biophotons emitted from it.

Wind, sunshine, ocean tides & spending time in the elements fuel my soul & recharge me! My family is my rock & I love to help others. I carefully select crystals & stones for our collections that will bring harmony, balance & light your inner spirit.

Andrew enjoys his time with his beautiful wife and three daughters in Southern Utah with their Golden doodles, spending time in the mountains, hiking and sailing!


I enjoy creating art and when I learned about the power and the energy of stones, I found a true alignment for my gifts. Being able to design positive and healing gifts for people to enjoy the strong energy from the special stones I have curated for our UnEarthed Energy Collections. I have witnessed myself how the stones in my jewelry collection have brought light, love and peace to myself and my life. My hope for UnEarthed Energy is for it to brighten yours and your loved ones life.

I have always been inspired by the peaceful and serene beauty of Mother Nature. I first fell in love with stones and the energy they hold when I got certified as a yoga instructor. I was drawn to their beauty and had a connection with their energies. Not only did the stones contribute to my yoga practice and safeguard my own energy while teaching, but they also quickly became my go to for jewelry. I was able to to have them with me all the time and they created a conversation starter everywhere I traveled. 

I love the call of nature. Being outdoors is what fuels my soul. I love to dance and make people smile. My goal for this collection is to use stones that bring you abundant joy and love. Stones that will serve and support you though your days. 

I really enjoy making necklaces that showcase a spunky chic style. I hope this collection makes you feel beautiful, joyful, spunky, and overflowing with love.









Drawing on the elements and power of the Earth & Universe to create the most powerful and healing energy properties possible!

Power unleashed!

UnEarthed Energy   Philosophy
